Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Making sacrifices

For the last few weeks I've been watching the HBO miniseries on John Adams. It's a fantastic adaptation of the book by David McCullough. Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney provide Emmy worthy performances. As the champion of independence until Congress adopted it in 1776, Ambassador for the newly United States, its first Vice President and second President, there is no doubt he was a great man. What is focused less upon is the sacrifices he made in order to achieve these great things. Settled in Boston, he spent 3 years in Philadelphia for Congress and a staggering 10 years overseas gathering support and money for our new nation. 13 years his country required him away from his home, wife, and kids (And John and Abigail had a marriage where they wanted to be together, as evidenced by the almost 1200 letters they exchanged while apart). 

That got me thinking. Many times what separates those who accomplish great things and those who don't is their ability to sacrifice. Often the big things in life require putting off immediate gratification and enduring something painful and difficult.

I remember hearing an interview with Mark Cuban about starting broadcast.com, the company he sold to Yahoo for $5.9 billion in 1999. He said for 7 years he worked 12-14 hour days and did not take a vacation while getting broadcast.com started. This is after he sold his previous company for $2 million to EDS (meaning he didn't need the money). He sacrificed for something he believed in instead of taking his cool 2 million and partying in Cabo. His company became a success and he's now #133 of the richest man in the world.


Whether it's losing those last 10 lbs, reading a book to your kids before bed, or starting a company, you've got to make the sacrifices necessary to do it. Making the sacrifices now means you'll be able to enjoy the benefits later. And as an added bonus, you become stronger and have more faith in yourself as you achieve greater and greater things. The surest way to build personal integrity is to make and keep promises to yourself. Once you see yourself faithful in the smaller things (I will turn off the tv tonight at 8pm), you set the foundation for the bigger things (I can write a book).

Sacrifices brought Dave Ramsey back from financial ruin.
Sacrifices made Tiger Woods the best golfer to ever play the game.
Sacrifices separated Paul from other Roman citizens.
Sacrifices motivated Richard Pimentel to create the Americans With Disabilities Act.
Sacrifices helped Jared Fogle lose 240 lbs.

What sacrifice do you need to make to keep one small promise to yourself? Start there. You'll be surprised to find what great things you'll be able to do in life through these small sacrifices.


TwiceCharmed said...

Sacrifices... well written, witty, and absolutely correct. And who would know better then you Sideshow? I would be wise at the moment to consider what I can and should sacrifice based on this wisdom and inspiration you've inspired. Thank you. -S

Jay Ramirez said...

@twicecharmed - Thank you for reading!